• The phenomenon of wasting bread and flour products



     Sirs / the respected participants of the Chamber

     Peace and blessings of God

               Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of the receipt of the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers  No. (1368) date (05/08/1438), and referred to receiving the Council letter and the Ministry of Trade and Investment No. (22291) date (4.28.1438 ), based on the letter of His Excellency the head of the Royal Court No. (2026 ) date (1.11.1438), referring to inform the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on (09/01/1438 ) on the subject of the recommendations of the committee formed to study the phenomenon of wasting bread flour and products from bakeries and factories and reducing its spread and the Council approved its resolution No ( 30) date (1.19.1438 ), for an dded schedule to the regulation fines and penalties for violations of municipal, approved by the Council of Ministers No. (218) dated (1422).

    For more information, please visit the site of  Asharqia Chamber: www.chamber.org.sa



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